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Monday 24 April 2017

Top 10 songs to inspire, get over your past to and move foward to

Do we all need songs like this? I don't know... I'd guess? I will admit that I think I do. People experience bad stuff in their lives and need help getting over those things and moving on. Therapy through music is a great way to help with this, hence this list :)

1. Monty Python - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Taken from their hilarious film Life of Brian xD

It's a really simple and catchy song but, maybe the simplest delivery of positive pop psychology out there. Hum along to this and you're sure to instantly brighten up your day or night. Unless of course you're actually being brutally executed or something like in the film xD ahh that dark comedy.

2. 2pac - Me Against The World

At number 2 we have 2pac. Why not right? In the final verse, this song contains the awesome lyrics, "Always do your best, don't let the pressure make you panic and when you get stranded, and things don't go the way you planned." Nice huh? I'll always remember these. As long as you did your best and all that, don't you remember people saying that all the way back to your youth? The best is all we can do, and it's OK. It's OK.

3. Pearl Jam - Alive

The chorus is simple, catchy and powerful. Whatever happens at least you're still alive right!? Whatever doesn't kill us, makes us stronger... well, I'm not sure if I'd go that far... perhaps a more refined version of that saying would be, "Whatever doesn't cause us permanent injury will make us stronger"? I'm reminded of David Brent's funny seminar in The Office, you should definitely look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I actually listened more closely to this song recently, and apparently it's about the singer being told his father isn't his real father and just his adoptive father? I suppose this news and the event of its telling could be fairly crushing and monumental to a young boy (to the point where the writing or listening to this song would help him), but it's not that bad I would say... I'd like to think this song has helped people (older people and stuff) through situations worse than that, like I don't know losing money or relationships or important things like that.

4. Katy Perry - Firework

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag? Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?" sings Katy in the first line to this song. And if you're reading this blog list with seriousness, and it means something to you, then yes the answer probably is - you have felt like this at some point, maybe even often sadly that you do.

But you are worthy of course! And if you want to really feel someone telling you that passionately then this song is for you. Katy really digs deep into you to pull out the hope and light and confidence you still have (and must always have) within you. Listen to this one as you step out your house for a walk somewhere.

5. Jimmy Eat World - In the Middle

"Every thing will be all right" and "It just takes some time" he sings in the chorus; aww it's so comforting. I also used to think he sang, "a little bit, little bit of alkali" - this made sense to me, as alkali is the opposite of acid, and it neutralises acid,  so for me it was a metaphor for maybe a bitter (acidic) feeling inside being soothed by a "little bit of alkali." In other words, "chill out a little bit" I guess, "calm yourself" etc. Maybe also I thought of a more direct type of metaphor of taking drugs? Alkali is a chemical after all. Yeh, I guess, maybe, who knows.

Apparently he doesn't say though but yeh this song is still a really uplifting pop rock emo song help you in your life.

6. Oasis - Don't Look Back in Anger

I never used to actually like this song much when I was younger. But yeah as I got older I realised the message and the song were quite fantastic, "Don't look back in anger," - fairly excellent advice from the Gallagher boys.

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