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Wednesday 3 February 2016

Top 10 PSP games (in no particular order)

heh the Sony PSP to me will always be the greatest videogames handheld. As a massive fan of games (and films! which you can also watch on a PSP) it's a good list to start my blog with :D My PSP has accompanied me to a great many places, on work placements far away, at stays at friends or family's houses, or when I have tripped to foreign lands! I mentioned films before because I have used it not only to play some great games but also to watch great TV and films that were available from the massive library of video UMDs Sony were able to produce (and are really cheap to buy now!). Tbh I have owned a few of these things (my first was stolen when I stupidly left my bag somewhere many a year ago -_-), my favourite and the one I currently use is a lovely white Street PSP aka the PSP-e1003 ^_^

1. Ratchet & Clank Size Matters

I remember once declaring this the best game on the PSP, after completing it a few years ago. And I’d probably still have to stand by that declaration. After changing the controls (which the game lets you do very impressively), playing and controlling little Ratchet on this psp game is a dream!

2. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

Probably my favourite GTA game ever. Characters and stories were just the best in this one! Rockstar opted to play you in the life and setting of classic New York Italian Mob, so fans of Goodfellas, Casino and other Scorsese etc. will enjoy this! Some very funny moments in this xD Fat Joe & Big Pun on the radio classic, also Moving Shadow.

3. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

As a massive fan of the orginal GTA1 all I have to say is: hellz yeh!! Incredibly fun top-down action, reminiscent of the very first (and 2nd) GTA game, and like GTA:LCS some very funny characters and stories in this! Is it better than GTA:LCS? That’s a very tough call xD

P.S. I didn’t actually like GTA:VCS that much, found it a bit boring =P

4. Tekken 6

I’m a big, BIG Tekken fan! And wow this tekken game for psp is great. Doesn’t have the cool scenario mode like in PS3 version but I play the amazing Ghost Battle vs. the CPU almost daily! Street Fighter Alpha 3 is also great on the psp but I prefer Tekken ;D

5. Final Fantasy: Crisis Core

I am a huge fan of Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy 7 in particular, so when I started playing this game – just wow! The settings were the same (e.g. Midgar), the story and action (combat system) were good (incorporating materia, just like in FF7) and the music was remixed versions of FF7 tunes! Which was fantastic! RPG greatness on the psp =D

6. Wipeout Pulse

The best racer on the PSP. I have Wipeout Pure also, but Pulse is easier to play, and more fun overall. I also have Burnout Dominator and Midnight Club which are also great, if you don’t fancy some futuristic hovercraft racing and prefer normal cars! I also had a need for speed game which was rubbish xD I can't remember which one it was though.

P.S. worth mentioning this game like all wipeout games had amazing electro soundtrack but I think the Wipeout Pure ost was slightly better.

7. Sonic Rivals

Could this be the best Sonic game I ever played? I do believe so ;D I put a 3D platformer game (with shooting too) as number 1 in my list, but this game takes the cake for the finest 2D platforming fun, it's superb. No Mario on the Sony PSP but no matter you have this! The sequal is also excellent, though I think I found it a bit hard. 

8. Medal of Honor Heroes

The very best fps for the PSP, I've done the research and could find none finer. The controls were excellent in this game, you used to the analogue nub to look left and right and the shoulder buttons to strafe. For some silly reason these controls were changed in the sequel (also on the psp), where you instead used x and o buttons to strafe. Why!? Anyway this game (the sequel also) is a great, fairly typical fps, set in WW2 times, as an allied soldier.

9. Wild Arms XF

ok I still haven't played (the apparently fantastic) Final Fantasy Tactic Psp. But I have played this, and it was amazing. I was a pretty big fan of the Wild Arms franchise (even though I had only played 1 and 3 :P), so my decision to buy this game when I saw it in the shop was hasty. Imagine my surprise when I realized it was a strategy rpg. A mere couple of hours into the game however I was hooked, the story, the characters, the system, the gameplay, the music and the graphics were all top to me! Yes sir, definitely makes the list :)

10. Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded

Topping off the list had to be this. More than just one game, 19 Capcom (whom any gamer worth his salt knows made fantastic games) classics on 1 psp disc. Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting (actually my favourite version of SF2, and it's arcade perfect here) is a real joy to play, then we have the amazing snes platformer Super Ghouls N Ghosts, which is superb. And the cool thing about Reloaded is you can save your games mid-way through (as if playing a normal game), so I can complete a couple of levels of Ghouls N Ghosts, then play something else, then come back later and start on level 3. Other fun favourites of mine here were Gun Smoke (pretty hard but fun once you've configured the buttons to how you like) and 1943 for some (admittedly rather mindless) shooty action. Capcom Classics Collection Remixed was also released but in my opinion this one (Reloaded) is better, it has better games.

And the best of the rest
- some great psp games that didn't make my top 10:
Sega Megadrive Collection (had the awesome 2 original Sonic games!)

Breath Of Fire III (perfect port of one of the best PS1 games ever!)
Persona 3 Portable (only started playing this one recently, amazing)
Castlevania Dracula X (another one I added recently, I don't even have this it's stupidly expensive to buy but I played Symphony Of The Night, which is included in this game, recently on my Xbox, Microsoft actually gave the game away for free, and it's amazing!)
Blood Bowl
Burnout Dominator
Midnight Club LA Remix

Tenchu Shadow Assassins
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Tekken 5: DR
Jak Frontier

a few more classics I'm sure I've yet to play!

Also don't forget all the great movie umds you can buy for psp to watch on the go! Kudos to the Sony PSP, my favourite portable gaming (and film!) device of all time =D

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