
Hi and welcome to my blog, which is composed mostly of 'Favourite List' style posts.
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Friday 1 July 2016

Top 15 PS2 games

actually I had this list written for a few years but thought now would be a good time to brush-up and publish. I was watching a TV show about guys in prison the other day, and they were saying they had PS2s in their cells and complaining like, 'But who even plays a PS2 anymore?' Hey PS2 had one of the greatest game libraries of all time! Being imprisoned with a PS2 and the best games it had to offer I don't think would be THAT bad

1. GTA3, Vice City & San Andreas (triple pack)

That's right! The 3-in-1 pack I think is allowing me to put all 3 of these games in at number one! These games were the best on the ps2, I actually played 'em backwards, starting with S.A. pretty late (like around 2005?), as was my personal trend in buying games and games consoles long after they had been released. To think the first one came out in 2001 (15 years ago), so guys were playing it back then... warm fuzzy feeling :P

2. Canis Canem Edit ('Bully')
Comin in at number 2 and made by the same guys as the above product. This game was hilarious and the best. It also reminded you of sweet days at school or college, as long as you played when you weren't too old xD I remember I got this after I had graduated college and had moved back home to my parents house, and was going through a kind of lazy, transitional phase, I was at Blockbuster Video (do those places still exist?) and some random guy was just like, 'this game, this game is great' haha he was right!

3. Breath Of Fire: Dragon Quarter

One of the first games I ever played on ps2, and I was blown away. Just look at that screenshot, can't you just tell that this game oozed quality? The Breath of Fire franchise was already known to fans by this stage (from their quality Super Nintendo and PS1 games), so Capcom did not want to disappoint, and sure enough they did not. At least to me they did not! If I remember correctly this game was met with mixed reviews, in-fact I believe it was round about this time when I started taking official game reviews far less seriously, yes it was around this time (or soon afterward), where the gaming community was basically hijacked by first person shooter games *sigh*. Anyway, yup I'd have to say still remains to this day one of the best games I ever played, incredible story, setting and gameplay.

4. Final Fantasy XII (FF12)

yes, the lead character and game art was somewhat homo-erotic, this I'll have to admit... but this game was fantastic. I actually never played Final Fantasy 10* for the precise reason that the lead character(s) and story seemed kind of queer. The story for FF12 seemed a bit weak to me at times, a heavy medieval setting (similar I suppose to FF9, which I didn't like btw), but the game overall is quite amazing. For it's time, incredible game mechanics, world, combat system and graphics.

*I still haven't played FF10 to this day, though I plan on picking up the FF10 Remaster for the PS3. Actually a few ps2 games were remastered to great effect on ps3, which I'll talk about next

5. Jak II

I used to think this was the best platformer on the PS2, easily. I just thought it was so cool when I first started playing it, and then loved it even more as I got into it. Based in a amazing futuristic and free-roaming city, I was really impressed at what Naughty Dog (guys that made Crash Bandicoot) had done with this game. Not only the gameplay and setting were excellent but the characters also, the game was sleek, refined, fun and even quite sexy! The other Jak games were brilliant also with 1 being more like a Mario-style 3D platformer and 3 more similar to 2 (shooting etc.), I got them all again in the Remastered Collection for PS3! Sony Playstation did so well with this game aswell as...

6. Ratchet & Clank

Another EXCELLENT 3D platform game, which I used to think was marginally worse than Jak games. However in time I would be hard placed to choose a better game. I loved the the characters in Jak & Daxter games and I almost loved them as much here, the story was excellent I must say and very amusing at times. They even brought out a Ratchet & Clank animated film a month or 2 ago which I really wanted to go see but they were only showing it very early on a saturday morning or something xD As per above, I picked up the Ratchet Remastered Collection for the PS3, I don't mind paying good dollar for this stuff for playstation :P

7. Tekken 5

as you may know I'm a huge Tekken fan so this is no suprise. A shame T5:Dark Res or T6 never made it to the ps2 but this was still a great game, the platform/scrolling/Tekken Force side game was fantastic. I've always like those side game Tekken games, reminiscent of old school scrolling fighting arcade games (e.g. Final Fight or Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, my favourite was one called Punisher & Nick Fury), this one in T5 was great, it included jumping platform elements too. The T6 (for ps3/xb360) scenario game I found excellent also, and will probably write about at some point :)

8. Street Fighter Alpha Anthology

Street Fighter 3 never made it to the PS2 in Europe, though annoyingly it was available for Xbox, Sega Dreamcast and American/Asian PS2 gamers. Instead, I suppose we got this game, which was playstation exclusive. Fair enough, this game was quite fun to me, more oldschool seeming than SF3 (which I must admit I loved, especially the character Twelve), but still really good.

9. Warhammer 40,000 Fire Warrior

This was a massively over-looked game on the ps2. Actually many good Games Workshop games seem to be over-looked, the excellent Space Marine for PS3 and xb360 was underrated also. Fire Warrior was a suberb 1st-person shooter that reminded me a lot of Doom - this can only be a good thing!

10. Legacy Of Kain Defiance

Not only is this game excellent, really fun action adventure, the voice-acting and story are something else. Journey with Rahziel and Kain through a mystical world of demons, gods and vampires. I actually loved Legacy of Kain so much I made a rap song (using sample from the Soul Reaver game theme, it was so cool :P) based around it, which you can find on my YouTube channel :D

Actually, I can link my rap vid right here xD

Like it and comment and stuff!

11. Armored Core: Nexus

Just an amazing game, creating, controlling and fighting with your mech here is a dream. I believe that actually 7(!) Armored Core games came out for the PS2! But Nexus (the 4th I think) was the first that allowed you to control your mech by moving with one analogue stick and aiming with the other (like a modern FPS). The ones beforehand I think you had to aim up and down with the shoulder buttons or something silly like that! Anyhow, Nexus was quite excellent, it even had a bonus game disc that was as good as the main game, though very short. The sequel Last Raven I never played but was told was just as good.

The Armored Core games are best Mech action games I ever played, 4 Answer on my xbox 360 did not disappoint me at all, it was awesome.

12. Black

I think people said this was the best 1st-person shooter on the PS2 and tbh it's easy to see why. Set in modern, realistic settings it's a great game. Also the graphics for this game were just really amazing, it was more like a next-gen game. I actually checked out a gameplay video on YouTube to remind myself of this game and the top voted comment was "this game felt like a ps3 launch title, it was a head of its time" lol.

13. Max Payne
Aptly placed at 13, the story to this game was just brutal. It reminded me of the Marvel Comic The Punisher, gritty, grimy and tragic. The voice-acting was incredible and accompanying Max Payne on his dark adventure is really sublime. My favourite bit is in the Ragnorak club!

The sequel was really good also but the original is best for me, Max Payne 3 on PS3/xb360 was impressive also but I still think the groundbreaking original is best!

14. Scarface

OK quick confession, though I owned this (the cool Collectors Edition version, in metal box), I never got round to playing it on my PS2. I did play the game however, the xbox version, which I played on my xb360! The versions were basically identical.

This came out late in the PS2 and XB lifespan, but it was really good. I loved the beginning, they change the story from the film so that Scarface survives at the end, he escapes out the back of his house when they come for him lol. The guy who does Scarface's voice in the game is not Al Pacino but sounds just like him! 'Ey, I bury dese cockroaches.

Another confession, I didn't actually play that much of the game (I got stuck at one point and never came back to it, a reason being is that my xb360 was left behind at my parents' house) but it was really good what I did play, really similar to a GTA game, with great soundtrack (including a cool Cypress Hill song I noticed) and funny dialogue.

15. Def Jam Fight for NY

Really impressive brawling action featuring famous rappers and other celebrities (of late 90s early 00s era), create-your-own fighter and really amazing graphics.

Yup this had to make the list.


Megaman X8 - this was a fantastic 2D platform game, pretty short though
Wild Arms 3 - one of the first games I got on PS2, I liked it alot
Dragon Quest 8 - OK everyone goes on about how great this game was! But I never played it save for 15 mins haha. I'm sure it's great though =/
God of War - holy hell I just started playing the remastered Collection on ps3, could the ps3 be the GOAT due to all the awesome ps2 remasters? something for me to think about

Monday 9 May 2016

Top 10 Most Beautiful Women (in no particular order)

yes, in no particular order, all of these women are very, very beautiful and I remember them well in their prime mostly from when I was growing up ^_^

1. Joana Krupa
I first saw her whilst I was browsing imdb and instantly noted her beauty. After that, I saw her briefly on show The Superstars (which I didn't really like) and then again on Real Housewives of Miami. She is quite a stunning woman, from Poland originally and moved to USA with her family when she was 5.

Funnily enough she looks very similar to the English actress Rosie Huntingdon-Whitely xD

2. Jayne Middlemiss

I remember her from TV alot from when I was growing up, and yes I found her very sexy indeed. She was on many shows that discussed and reported things on music like Top Of The Pops and The Ozone. Even when I was in my mid-20s, I was able to enjoy seeing her on little show on Channel 5 (Live from Studio 5 it was called), for a short while, which made me happy ;D

3. Amy Lee
She is obviously a very beautiful woman. But her voice of course makes her totally alluring, I can't believe any guy who heard and saw her video (or her band's video I should say) of 'Bring Me To Life' and didn't fall a bit in love with her :P

4. Kaley Cuoco
Dat feel when you are watching Big Bang Theory just to see her xD

5. Rose McGowan
Wow, the most alluring one from Charmed, quite easily. Actually there was an episode of Charmed that featured Kaley Cuoco also and she was interacting with Rose, it was like watching the sweetest candy on screen xD

Rose unfortunately these days seems to have gone through some trouble, I think she was involved in a car accident and had to get plastic surgery or something? I'm not sure, anyway she looks nothing like she did in her days of Charmed some 10 to 15 years ago. She actually looks a bit like Michael Jackson did nowadays xP and it seems she has cut her hair short into ugly mannish haircut also -_-

6. Kelly Brook
wow, from presenting The Big Breakfast when she was 19 to her TV and film cameos of today, I have to say: fair enough. Very sexy woman.

7. Emma Watson
I'm not a fan of Harry Potter (at all) but can't deny I noticed this cutie, whilst lazily browsing one of the HP films on TV. Can't say I lingered much thinking about her, she was very young after all. But I was pretty sure she would be a total hottie in a couple of years and lo and behold I was right xD

8. Britney Spears
Was this every guy who was a teenager in the 90s dream girl? I really would have thought so.

She had a tough life though also (so to speak), seemingly similar to Rose McGowan. I remember I even watched her cute Crossroads film, her sweet southern US accent was enchanting. But I also remember the madness with her shaving her head and smashing cars with golf clubs, shotgun weddings and divorces and strings of seemingly ONS style relationships.

Oh Britney, oh well who knows what's really going on.

9. Lucy Watson
No relation to the above. Or is there? Maybe that would explain incredibly good genes for very sexy women xD

I really hate the show Made In Chelsea btw but cannot deny that this woman is incredibly beautiful, angelic like.

10. Ronda Roussey
Yes I like strong women. What?

Gillian Anderson looks good even today 
Melisa Joan Hart once met a girl that looked like her
Taylor Swift 1st album very good 
Kym Valentine gl aussie girl
Natalie Portman very good actress
Katy Perry I like woman with a good voice
Rihanna goodlooking woman my ex hated for some reason
Shakira when she was younger 👌

Friday 18 March 2016

Top 10 British Rock Bands

1. Funeral For A Friend
oh yes it's the guys from Wales that did emo-metal as well as any band from America when they came out! Debut album was superb, and although they went more rock, and less metal, after that, the following albums were still very good. The drummer of this band in particular I loved, he was great! Definitely my no.1 :)

2. InMe
I believe I first heard these guys' track Underdose in the days of Napster =| But yeah, I was very impressed, and then went on to buy the issue of Kerrang with free cd containing the song Gelosea from these guys. Again, very impressed, "these guys are the best band in UK" I exclaimed. Evidently now, that opinion has basically changed, but by not much! I am actually a similar age to Dave the singer of InMe and remember seeing them before they had even released their first album when I was a student in the city of Leeds, and having a whale of a time. I actually wanted to front my own rock band with an InMe-esque sound, and had a darn good go at it! So yeah this band is pretty special to me you could say :P

3. Radiohead
Alot of people would call this the best band from Britain, like straight away. For me, I put them 3. With hits like Creep, Iron Lung and Paranoid Android it's not hard to see why they are respected so. But it's true Radiohead have a depth more than most other rock bands, their 3rd album OK Computer (a real masterpiece, I have the special remastered boxset :D), could be listened to many, many times over when first heard I remember, such was their talent in creating the very best of a genre called 'progressive rock'. Not only that but if you were feeling down, there is probably no better band that will capture and parallel the pain in your soul, I remember walking alone once in a very sad mood and listening to 'Climbing Up the Walls' through my phone, and it seemed even bystanders many feet away from me could sense my torture.

But enough with the depressing stuff, for proof of how amazing these guys are listen to a live version of 'Planet Telax' and enjoy. Also noteworthy the 2-disc 'Best Of' album from these guys is superb! Considering they have like about 10 albums and eps xD

4. Muse
I remember when these guys first came out they were actually called a Radiohead copycat band. I thought this was pretty unfair and was something that should actually be complimentary.

Alot of hard rock fans (such as myself) like this band, which I suppose I have found surprising considering Matt Bellamy's high pitched and somewhat whiny voice. But looking over their songs and albums, it's not hard to be impressed with much of the stuff Muse has put out. Their often forgotten first album really did feature some quite excellent 90s tinged alternative rock, from the snare drum rattling of Sunburn, the excellent Muscle Museum (which was fantastic on their live Hullaballo disc) to the emotionally charged progressive rock of Showbiz. They have never done a song like Showbiz really ever again, or to be honest never played emotional 90s sounding rock like they did on their excellent 1st album. Their 2nd album to me wasn't as good (it does have it's fans though I've noted), though it did have one of the best hard rocking songs Muse (or anyone) ever did, Hyper Music. 3rd album again was kinda meh to me, though it did contain maybe in my opinion the best song Muse ever did, Stockholme Syndrome (I remember I bought the Time Is Running Out single as a youth and would watch the awesome Stockholme video on my laptop frequently). The 4th album impressed me, quite a lot. Map Of The Problematique had some of the best lyrics and sound I had heard in a long time. What was refreshing about Muse was their personas and ideology, they didn't go the typical Rock Star route of glamour, cocaine and super models, Matt stuck fast to his message of being 'for the people!' (Revolution!). By the 4th or 5th album, they were almost like a progressive glam rock sounding Rage Against The Machine.

Picking up their live cd+dvd Haarp (despite the silly name) really proves these guys are deserving with their status as top dogs in UK Rock.

5. Oasis
Yeah, I had to put these guys here. I think everyone was a fan of them in the mid-90s and if they said they weren't they were probably lying.

What really rekindled my interest in them was, I remember, when I used to work as an event steward when I was younger. One job I was offered was the Oasis concert in Wembley (2009, they were supported by Kasabian and The Enemy), which of course I accepted. Standing around the stadium that day, I was simply planning to stand back and reminisce on some basically pop rock songs I enjoyed as a youth. But the more I listened the more I remembered that some of these guys' songs really were quite fantastic. The 2nd album was probably the best for me, that and their Master Plan (b-sides) album. I also picked up the the best of Stop The Clocks cd + dvd from them which was great. 

I remember I listened to their songs often for a good year or so after that concert.

6. Ash
The fun, energy fuelled pop punk of no.6 choice Ash is just as good as any american band.

The Best Of CD (Sonic 7s, yes I like Best Of cds, what?) really shows you a large amount of excellent poppy and punky songs, from Burn Baby Burn to Candy to older schooled Oh Yeah. I remember being rekindled by these guys' music after half-heartedly watching the film A Life Less Ordinary and hearing Ash' quite excellent song (of the same name as the film) during the ending credits.

I must get around to watching A Life Less Ordinary again properly...

7. Stone Roses
Many people's favourites, I'm sure everyone has danced to She Bangs The Drums at an indie disco at some point in their lives. Also their iconic song Fools Gold has one of the most famous riffs of all time I'd say, and is recognised no doubt by millions of people all over the world.

Technically this band is an 80s band seeing as their famous 1st album (1 of their only 2 really) came out in 1989, which is pretty impressive. I've liked their music ever since I first heard, many of their songs are really quite romantic <3

8. Suede
Listening to these guy's first album, there was actually alot to like for a heavy metal fan. Their first guitarist, Bernard Butler, who played on their 1st and 2nd albums was a clear heavy metal fan, and it really shone through on some of the songs. I actually first heard the song The Drowners on a Radio 1 Compilation CD, liked it alot, and when I heard it on Suede's debut album recognised it immediately, the fantastic driving riff. I actually used to cover this song in an amateur rock band I fronted when I was young, I just loved it so much! Heh.

But they stayed a pretty great band in my opinion. Nothing gives such a sweet dose of brit rock dominated 90s nostalgia as their 3rd album song The Beautful Ones in my opinion :P 

9. Idlewild
I wasn't sure if I was going to put these guys on the list. I actually only started listening to them relatively recently. Are they still going? I couldn't tell you, I've never seen them live. However I do know and can confirm that their first 2 albums are some of the best hard punk rocking rock to come out of UK. Their song Idea Track alone pretty much means they should make the list. Amazing song from their 2nd album that I believe preceded/pioneered the whole Emo Metal Rock by a good 3 years or so (e.g. it came out 3 years before Funeral For My Friend's debut album).

10. Iron Maiden
I'm well aware that on many people's Top 10 UK Rock Bands list (if they had to make one) these guys would make number 1. I don't like them that much though if I'm entirely honest.

However, there is one song of theirs which I must concede is one of the greatest songs in rock, metal, nay ANY musical genre ever recorded. And that song is Hallowed Be Thy Name. Sure I like a bunch of other songs of theirs (e.g. 2 Minutes, Wasted Years and Can I Play With Madness), but yeh Hallowed is the stone cold classic for me :D

Also should be noted that these guys are perhaps the most plagiarised band in rock lol an american favourite band of mine Papa Roach is well known for ripping these guys guitar riffs off a fair bit (including the riff from Hallow Be Thy Name).

Kasabian - 1st album was a win and that new song In Love With A Psycho
Heart Of A Coward
Manic Street Preachers
The Charlatans
The Cribs
Bring Me The Horizon
Bury Tomorrow

Thursday 25 February 2016

Top 5 Hollywood Dons ;/

1. Christian Bale
I first saw him in Reign of Fire, a bad film but made watchable only because of Christian. I then caught Equilibrium, remembering Bale, and again enjoyed the film. When Harsh Times came out, that was it, I saw the poster and knew it was gonna be good! And it was better than even I imagined xD Except for the somewhat sad ending, but I won't spoil it for potential viewers reading. The Machinist, Batman, Terminator Salvation, American Psycho and now The Big Short! He's the top don for me hehe! Even went back and saw the film of when he was little kid lol Empire of The Sun xD

Is it anything to do that he from UK like me? Well, maybe, maybe I subconsciously saw that and it affected me. Anyway I have somewhat lived life with Christian, going back and watching Empire of The Sun, Christian was in Japan as a little kid, which reminded me of my half-japanese roots. In Harsh Times, he is very much basically a latin guy (my other half!). First saw Reign of Fire maybe 10 or 11 years ago? Long time. And when I was watching The Big Short a few weeks ago in the cinema there was a scene where he was listening to a song by Darkest Hour one of my favourite metal bands, but not many people have heard of them. Some sort of fate going on? I'd like to believe!

2. Leonardo DiCaprio
The Departed! The hook film that made me an insta-fan xD But after that he didn't disappoint me as he ruled in a bunch of other films: Blood Diamond, Gangs of New York, The Basketball Diaries, The Wolf of Wallstreet and recently The Revenant which I went to see last week!

3. Willem Dafoe
I saw The Last Temptation of Christ recently, that and his somewhat similar role & performance in Platoon (I think) cements Dafoe's inclusion in this list. Other good films he's acted in are Born on the 4th July and Spiderman. I must also note here that his name is mentioned to great effect in one of my favourite rap songs by Goretex, a track called 'Momentary Lapse of Reason' ;0

4. Robert DeNiro
The true Don? Many people would say so. When you watch Taxi Driver... well no words necessary really! "Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man..." when you heard Rob utter these words at the beginning of Taxi Driver (and you're a kind of young, lonely guy watching yourself, let's say, as I kinda was) it hits you, and you know you want to keep watching and will probably, hopefully, enjoy this film very much. And I did.

And then of course, Goodfellas, Casino, The Deerhunter, I even liked him in his original Mean Streets. And to be honest I can even catch Meet The Fockers on tv and enjoy it!

5. Keanu Reeves

hellz yes, how I could not include Neo The One in my list? You'll notice I went for the lesser known Street Kings though, in chosen picture. Yes The Matrix, and Keanu in said film, was stunning but what about his other stuff? If you haven't seen Street Kings (by one of my favourite directors David Ayer, who did Harsh Times too!) and are a fan of Keanu you need to check that! Also who can forget the iconic Bill & Ted and Point Break xD

Bruce Willis very close between him and Reeves. John McClane, 12 Monkeys and his boxer role in Pulp Fiction means he is #1 runner-up!
Al Pacino ooh another close one
Arnold Swartzenegger hasta la vista baby xD
Aaron Paul, newbie but this guy has potential for me!
Brad Pitt, Fight Club was wow, also his crazy guy role in 12 Monkeys. Anything else? Meh.
Jim Carrey, ok a comedy actor but I had to include this guy!
Tom Hardy

Wednesday 3 February 2016

My Top 10 cds from The Wu-Tang Clan

man, I love this legendary hip hop crew. I used to really love them back in my early teens! I remember buying the cd The Rza hits back in 1999 (I was 16 or so) and thinking, 'yup, this is very good'. I had listened to other hip hop from around that day e.g.EPMD, Tribe called quest, Busta Rhymes but Wu-Tang was the best. Then of course I started listening to 2pac, DMX and stuff.

1. Enter the 36 Chambers
the first strike, many people still say the best! Was so good, especially when it came out. This cd needs to be in everyone's collection whether you like hip hop, rap, rock, pop, dance or anything! Well maybe not if you like only pop xD

2. Raekwon Only built for Cuban linx
I've often said this is the best cd out of Wu-Tang, ever put out. And I'd probably stand by this :)
It's a classic for sure, and has survived right up to forefront of music today.

3. Gza Liquid Swordz
Along with the last 2 albums listed, this is the 3rd first-wave Wu album in my top 10. Like the above 2 pretty much essential, everyone knows this was 1 hell of an album where Gza rapped as best as he ever could. I have the Gza album after this one also ('Beneath the Surface'), which I have to say is excellent also, though I was put off at first by silly, annoying skits on that album hehe.

4. Wu-Chronicles
2 of the 16 tracks are direct duplicates of songs found in the above 2 albums, however the other 14 tracks makes this album worth getting. Volume 2 was also excellent!

5. Ghostface Supreme Clientele
Gone for Ghostface's second release, which I'd say is better than his first album. Too many great songs on here, with a fantastic flow from the high-pitched sounding Wu-member. Just a shame that the version of Ghostdeini on this is the inferior remixed version, the original (only found on Canadian versions of the album apparently bizarrely so) was much better!

6. The Definitive Ol' Dirty Bastard Story [CD + DVD]
the best songs from the ODB (r.i.p.) and also includes a great read about the history of ODB and the Wu in the booklet. It also has a DVD of a couple of music videos and little interview which is kinda cool.

7. Method Man Tical 2000 Judgement Day
man, this album was so good. Like Ghostface before, I believe it was even better than Method Man's debut, though I understand I maybe in the minority there! It's basically a team-up album with the Wu-Fam rapper Streetlife who is also an excellent rapper.

8. Wu-Tang Forever
"It's yours - double LP from Wu-Tang Clan!" Rza raps in 'It's Yourz' the last track on the first disc of this album. And thanks Rza! Yup this album is great indeed haha. Get the international version if you can it comes with an extra song by Rza called Sunshower, which is a good song (also some remix song which isn't that good). The Wu-Tang Clan album after this one ('The W' it was called), was actually kinda rubbish I thought. They picked it up again with 'Iron Flag' (their 4th album) which was great, but this 'Wu-Tang Forever' makes my number 8.

9. Killah Priest The Offering
Technically this guy is a Wu-Family member (not a Clan member) but I had to put this album on there. It's really, very good! The song Standstill with one of my favourite and best rappers on the planet (Immortal Technique) is mind-blowing.

10. Ghost Dog soundtrack
Topping off my list is the Rza produced Ghost Dog soundtrack. Fantastic, featuring not only very good songs from Clan and Fam members, also really good rappers not in Wu, but similar to them. Cool quotes from Ghost Dog, from the film also. The amazing North Star & Rza track 4 Sho Sho alone means this had to make the list!

some runners-up:
Wu-Tang Clan Old School Kung-Fu dvd
Disciples Of The 36 Chambers: Chapter 2 dvd
Method Man & Redman - Blackout
Inspectah Deck - Uncontrolled Substance
Wu-Tang The Sting
Shyheim - Manchild
Sunz of Man - The Old Testament
Killarmy - Dirty Weaponry
Bobby Digital presents: North Star 

I met DJ Westwood a few years ago, I listened to tunes like this alot on his radio show